Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Google+ Rolling Out More Updates, Allowing you to see What Your Friends +1'd |
Tuesday seems to be Google’s day to announce updates and changes to their services. Today, they have announcedthat they’ll be highlighting posts that have been +1′d by people in your circles on your stream, as well as highlighting some of your popular posts to your friends in their main stream on Google+. Earlier today, we talked about how Google+ is now the second largest and most popular social network, and this is going to allow people to find even more content and use Google+ even more.
These new features are said to be very similar to how Facebook highlights posts you’ve “Liked” on their network. As you can see in the image above, you’ll be able to see who from your circles have +1′d that post. Which will be shown right above the content.
This content might be some new content that probably would have never shown up in your stream, allowing people to have more chances to have their posts go viral or even hit Whats Hot on Google+. The good thing here is that you can go into your Google+ settings and determine who can see what you +1 on Google+. So only people in the circles you’ve determined can see what content you’ve +1′d. Which is much more private than what Facebook is doing, or is it?
It seems these days that Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are all copying features from each other. Google+ added hashtags after Twitter, and then Facebook followed suite. Facebook added larger pictures after Google+ did, and Twitter added cover photos after Facebook and Google+ did. See the cycle here?
How are you liking this new feature from Google+? Does it seem like an invasion of privacy? Or is it something good for Google+? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments.
Source: Google+ Rolling Out More Updates, Allowing you to see What Your Friends +1'd |
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